Concussion Resources:
Do you know the signs and symptoms of a concussion?
There are four categorizes that concussion symptoms can be classified, they are: physical, emotional, cognitive, and sleep/energy.
Physical symptoms include:
headache/pressure in the head
blurred vision
poor balance
ringing in the ears
sensitivity to light and sound
seeing stars
Vacant looks/glassy eyes
seeing stars
neck pain
Emotional Symptoms include:​
inappropriate emotions
personality changes
lack of motivation
feeling more "emotional"
Cognitive Symptoms include:​
feeling "slowed down"
feeling "in a fog"
difficulty remembering
slowed speech
difficulty concentrating/easily distracted
easily confused
Sleep/energy symptoms:
trouble falling asleep
sleeping less than usual
waking during the night
Has Your Child Sustained a Concussion?
If you have questions about your child's concussion and/or want to learn more about what can be done to best support them post-concussion, this is the video for you. Real parent questions get answered by Dr. Karen McAvoy, including Return-to-Learn/Play strategies and other important guidance about what to do after a concussion. Please call the Brain Injury Association (BIARI) at 401-228-3319 to get additional information and support available in RI. Learn more about the REAP program by clicking on the image below.

Returning to the Classroom:
All members of the athlete's health care team (parents, guidance counselor, school nurse, athletic trainer, physician and coach) can help the athlete transition back into the classroom. Athletes returning to the classroom following a concussion should gradually return back to school work using modifications to help manage their signs and symptoms throughout the day. A return to learn protocol slowly introduces the athlete from complete cognitive rest, to half days of school, to full days of school, eventually getting back to test taking and computer work. Click here for a sample return to learn protocol.
Returning to Sports:
After sustaining a concussion, athlete should gradually return to physical activity using a graded protocol. Athletic trainers play a critical role in this step by supervising and monitoring the athlete through each phase. Athletic trainers also tailor the return to play to that specific athlete and the sport they will be returning to. The gradual return to play monitors the athlete's heart rate as well as they symptom score throughout the phases to ensure athlete is symptom free upon return to play. Click Here for a sample protocol for return to play.